Where to find The Musical Playroom:
Enrol now for Suzuki Early Childhood Music Classes
Term 1, 2025 – at The Jazz Factory
And now on Saturdays at Northside Montessori School!
The Jazz Factory
Suite 4-6, 802-808 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072
(Level 2 of the Gordon Centre)
How to get there:
3 hrs free parking under the Gordon Centre
Take the lift to Level 2 (above Harvey Norman)
Walking distance from Gordon Station
Northside Montessori School
42 Bobbin Head Rd, Pymble NSW 2073
How to get there:
It is best to drive, there is limited onsite parking & plenty of street parking
Class Times:
Thursdays at 9:30am at The Jazz Factory
Saturdays at 9:30am at Northside Montessori School
2024 Term Dates:
Term 1
6th February – 11th April (9/10 weeks)
Term 2
28th April – 5th July (10 weeks)
Term 3
21st July – 27th September (10 weeks)
Term 4
13th October – 13th December (9 weeks)
Term Fees:
Caterpillar Class (0-3 year olds) Fees are $225 per term for the first child, and $150 for a second child (this applies if you have a sibling who regularly participates in class).
Classes are 50-60 mins in length.
Fees must be paid within the first two weeks of term, or the first two weeks of attending classes. Should you enrol after the 5th week of term, 50% of the term fee will be due (Caterpillars – $110, Butterflies – $100). Please note that we do not do casual classes or partial terms.
A maximum of two missed lessons can be credited to the following term, where notice is received more than 24 hours prior to the lesson missed. In this case, $20 credit per missed class can be applied to the following term.
Should a class need to be cancelled due to my illness, a make up lesson will be offered where possible. If I am unable to schedule a make up lesson or should you be unable to attend the make up lesson, $20 credit per cancelled class can be applied to the following term.